Building the Sergal Thermopylae
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Hi Everyone!
Having already completed the Sergal Racehorse to some sort of quality I feel the need to show people the building of a FAIRLY simple model ship step by step
I chose the Thermopylae as the next step from the Racehorse as with 3 masts and a MUCH smaller scale - 1:124 as opposed to the Racehorses 1:48 it will be a much more complicated model to construct, with rigging to test the patience of a saint.
What's inside?
I hope to show here the construction of the Sergal Thermopylae from opening the box to the finished article - giving any hints I pick up on the way.
The completed Racehorse
This model is a very similar size to the Thermopylae. But with a scale difference of 1:48 compared to 1:124 you can see how much bigger the Thermopylae would have been IRL

What the site's about
I want to show beginners that when they open their box for the first time they shouldn't immediately close it again and hide it in a dark corner somewhere. Anyone with a modicum of crafting skills and not TOO many tools can succeed in building a model such as this without too many tears.

Ok let's get going

We will start at the beginning and slowly work through until the end, each page showing the continuation of the build with pictures showing how things are proceeding.

In this model my wife Ealine will be trying modelling for the 1st time so wish her luck.  I am hoping her slimmer fingers will help me with the trickier parts
Also please remember this is how WE am doing it.  Other modellers may throw up their arms in despair!!

The REAL Thermopylae
Here is an actual photo of the Thermopylae showing the rigging

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